Thursday, March 31, 2011

Theeeeeee Yankees Win!!!!

This made me happy.  I can't believe I won it! I love what I do and enjoy being around the people I work with.  I don't look at it as a job, but as an opportunity to meet new people and learn new things.
Today at work I was extremely busy with marketing stuff, but it was well worth it.  Today I won the Employee of the Quarter... aka the Brandystar! I was so surprised.  I've only been there since August so I didn't think I really even had a chance...but guess I was wrong!  I was so excited...they threw me a little party with cake and balloons and I got a nice letter from the CEO of the company, a certificate, and a visa gift card for $150!! I'm glad my hard work is paying off and isn't going unnoticed.  I love my job and my resident's.  I never dread going to work in the morning...I always look forward to seeing all of their smiling faces and helping them throughout the day.  Today was also opening day...the Yankees obviously won!!! So mad I couldn't watch because I was working.  The resident's got to enjoy it with a little party. They had chips, hot dogs, and crackerjacks! SO jealous! Now it's time to cook dinner and enjoy a relaxing night of T.V. and some celebratory wine!

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