Friday, March 18, 2011

avoidance is key

This is my biffy, sister, and most of soul mate! We seriously are the same person and always understand each other.  I love her so much and I'm so happy to have her in my life.. idk what i'd do without her! 
Friday's at work are always fun because there's live entertainment.  Today was nice because there wasn't much to do and I got to spend most of the day talking to the residents and their family members.  It was way too nice out today to be indoors.  It was killing me all day to have to sit at a desk when it was that nice out.  After work I was planning on walking my dogs..but somehow I fell asleep... guess I didn't get a good night's rest last night.  I went out to dinner with my parent's to Uncle Vinnie's Clam Bar in Raritan...we love it there.  We saw my aunt and uncle there, as well as their friends.  After dinner I met up with Sara and we went out for drinks.  We went out of this small town thinking we wouldn't run into anyone...boy were we wrong.  You try to avoid people ...and you just end up running into them anyways. It's like the worlds way of screwing you over.  But, we made the best of it and had a great time as usual.  And now that it's like 1:30 it's time to go to bed.  Lot's to do tomorrow! Getting a lot done without Facebook, and getting a social life back! woo!

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