Saturday, March 26, 2011

happy friday

loving these sunglasses! and the new hair style. haha

I love Friday's.  Mainly because the one person I can't stand at work is off on Friday's.  Plus we had really good entertainment for the resident's... one of the better ones at least.  I went shopping with Sara...epic fail. Couldn't find any clothes that I liked..but I did find a really cute headband and new sunglasses!  I have a slight obsession with's slightly a problem.  I was planning on going out at night but instead I decided to stay home and relax.  I was so excited to see that Mrs. Doubtfire was's one of my absolute favorite movies!  My favorite part is definitely when Robin Williams sticks his face into the cake and says "HELLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO". ha gets me every time!  Dad made me switch back and forth to the basketball games, which I'm not really a fan of basketball.  I find it kind of boring...I'd rather watch football or baseball.  Baseball season kicks off less than a week from today! I can't wait! LET'S GO YANKEES!  Okay well sorry this is so short but as always i'm running out shopping with mommy.  Happy weekend everyone!

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