Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Turkey Burger Tuesday

This is my branch of the Shining Star Family (missing the 4 oldest sisters and the 2 newest additions).  I love them with all my heart.  And miss them terribly now that I'm not at Hartford anymore!
Work was really busy again today.  Another resident passed away it's been a rough could of weeks for our building.  I've been helping the marketing director with a few projects and I had to meet with the executive director for a webinar.  But once again, my day went by really quickly!  After work I went right down to the basement and did my Zumba!  I'm on a roll! Let's hope I can keep this up haha.  I made my favorite turkey burgers for dinner and mom made the baked veggies to go on the side...DELICIOUS! Dad's mad that we're making him diet with us...but, we gotta stay healthy!  Since there was nothing on T.V. we decided to watch 127 Hours.  Such a good movie! James Franco did an amazing job! I can't believe it was a true story!! Mom fell asleep so she missed all of it, but dad and I enjoyed it.  I was extremely tired so I went upstairs to bed once it like 9:45.  I know, I'm such a grandma! haha but I love getting a good nights sleep!

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