Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Losing Sleep

maggie and dallas.
i love dogs and could never live without one!
animals mean the world to me.
Lost some sleep over this whole situation last night. haha.  Had a dream that I secretly went on Facebook and got caught at work and my co-workers wouldn't let me live it down since I had "failed".  When I woke up this morning I actually had the urge to go right on Facebook and check my updates like I usually do every day.  But, I managed to fight the urge and check Perez Hilton instead (can't live without his blog!).  The hardest part of the day was when I was at work.  Usually when I'm bored at work or things get slow, I'll log on to Facebook and chat with people, or play Wheel of Fortune, or...let's face it... Facebook stalk!!  You know you're all guilty of it...don't lie!  So instead of logging on to my favorite social networking site, I decided to stumble on (if you haven't discovered this website yet, YOU NEED TO!  it's amazing, but make sure you have a lot of free time to stumble!).  It was a lot easier when there were busy parts of the day...the occasional story from my 102 year old friend, need for toilet paper in a room, help reading something, oh and of course answering the phone.  (a typical day working at an assisted living).  Now that i'm home for the night, I'm happy that I have American Idol to occupy my time and take my mind off of Facebook.  I've got to say, I do have a sense of accomplishment by overcoming my urge to go on today... let's just hope this lasts!


  1. I gave up chocolate. it sucks. :( miserable.... ps its biffy.

  2. haha it says my name nevermind :P
