Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Chinese food dates with mom make me happy... here's the Fortune from Dinner after Weight Watchers!  ...Interesting....
Wednesday's are always really hard.  I'm always nervous to weigh-in...worried I've gained weight rather than lost it.  So all day I'm really careful about the things I eat.  The clothes you wear to weigh-in really do matter.  The outfit I usually wear was in the wash so I was trying to find something that would equal about the same amount of weight of the clothes I usually wear.  Well, I kept trying on outfits and running back and forth to the scale to see if I weighed what I was suppose to weigh.  SUCH A PAIN! My mom was laughing at me because I asked if they could just weigh me naked...then it would be accurate!  But all went well.. I reached my 5% goal and I lost 3 pounds for the week! So I'm Happy!!!  I'm down 13.4 pounds and my mom is down 13.6!  I even got her to go for a 30 minute walk with me the other day ... so we've been good! :-)

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