Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby Ty Thursday !

Baby Ty!!! Such a cutie!
I was excited all day and could hardly wait for Jenn and baby Ty to arrive!  I couldn't even concentrate at work.  It was so nice to get to spend time with one of my oldest and dearest friends and her son!  He is simply ADORABLE!! We talked for a long time, catching up and reminiscing about the old times.  I miss having her live across the street.  Life was so much easier back then...we could just walk a few feet and see each other.  But now, we have to drive an hour...which is better than the 8 hours away she used to be! But still, it'd be nice if she was still right across the street.  She misses living there as much as we miss her and her family living there.  But we do keep in touch and it was so nice of her to come visit! We had a nice dinner ...she got to eat the Jersey pizza that she's been missing!  Nothing compares to NJ pizza, just saying!  Baby Ty is the absolute cutest baby ever!  He's such a happy baby, doesn't care who's holding him, feeding him, he loves everyone...especially my dog Dallas.  But I think Dallas liked Ty more...he wanted to be near the baby the whole time! All in all it was a great day and it was so nice to get to spend a few hours with the both of them! Hope we get to see more of them in the near future!

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