Sunday, April 17, 2011

April Shower's

This is one of my bestest and oldest friends.  We were neighbors for quite a while, but she moved to NY and we go long periods of time without seeing each other.  But whenever we do see each other..we pick up right where we left off.  This picture was taken at her baby shower... I can't wait to meet her son Ty! and obviously to see her! :-)
I understand it's April and all but really? all this rain is not necessary! I went shopping ALL day today with my mom.  I had to get some things for my Vegas trip.  I hate bathing suit shopping more than anything in the world, and I'm sure I'm not alone on that!  BUT...for once I actually found 2 bathing suits that I loved and fit me really well, so I was happy!  I can't wait til Vegas so I can wear all my new clothes..and for the warm weather there.  The rain really puts a damper on things...makes me wanna cuddle up in bed all day.  Ali and I decided to do dinner and a movie.  We went for Sushi and Shogun on 22 and then went to go see Rio in was actually a really good movie, even if it is a kids movie!  Since it was so rainy, I didn't feel like doing much else so I got a good night's sleep.

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