Thursday, April 21, 2011

let the good times roll...

This quote is SO TRUE.  LOVE LOVE LOVE It.
Tuesday was a slow day.. I haven't had much to do at work this week so I've been bored most of the time.  Amusing myself with stumble upon was the only thing that got me through the day!  I was suppose to go out to dinner with my parent's and my dad's family that was up to visit from South Carolina...buttttt I had other plans.  I went out to dinner and for some drinks with an old friend.  It was a really good time ! We had a lot of laughs about the past and about how crazy our parents are (mind you our parents are best friends).  I can't believe I've lasted this long without Facebook.  I'll tell you it's hard because I don't remember everyone's birthday's without the little reminders on facebook and I feel so out of the loop not knowing what all my friends are up to.  But this has been a really good experience so far so I can't really complain!

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