Wednesday, April 6, 2011

hi-ho hi-ho it's off to work I go...

god I miss Aruba...being tan...andddd MY BIFFY!
Another Monday...they all seem like a blur.  As usual I was busy...Phone ringing off the hook, stuffing some easter eggs for an egg hunt that's coming up Saturday, and copying a lot of papers.  I was unusually tired though for some reason and couldn't wait to get home.  When I got home, instead of taking a nap I decided to push through and do some Zumba and work out a little.  I'm so happy I did!  After, I went outside in the hot tub since it was sooooooo nice out!  Then mom and I enjoyed watching Secret Life of the American Teenager together... such losers I know! haha but I love the show despite the terrible acting!

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