Tuesday, April 19, 2011

getting active

hahaha we have a little too much fun at work
Work went by really slow Monday.  I don't have much to do lately, so it's kind of boring...unless the resident's are busy telling me stories...then my time goes by a little quicker.  After work I went tanning...gotta get ready for Vegas!  Mom decided she wanted to start walking, so we went for a nice long walk for about a half hour.  When we were almost home I told her to jog to the driveway.  She wasn't having it!  She kept being like "people are watching me!"  She's gotta learn to not worry about what people think of her and just to do what she's gotta do.  But I do give her a lot of credit for getting off her butt and walking 30 minutes! I'm so proud of her, that's a big step!  Now let's see if we can both keep it up!  After our walk, I did Zumba for a little while and then I came upstairs to relax and shower.  I got to talk briefly with an old friend yesterday and she's coming to visit later this week with her son!  I can't wait to see them both and to finally meet Ty! :-)

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