Saturday, April 23, 2011


Happy Easter Everyone!
So I survived!  40 days without Facebook was a tough thing to do for me.  But I come away from this experience with a whole new outlook on life.  We as a society need to value relationships more on a physical level and intellectual level, rather than just on a social networking site.  It really is a shame how much people are missing out on by only communicating through a computer or even text messages.  Before I started this whole thing...I couldn't even remember the last time I talked to one of my friends on the phone...and now I find myself making more and more phone calls to people to simply just say hello or to catch up.  I have really taken for granted the people in my life and have realized that never know when your time may be up, so you need to tell people how you really feel and appreciate them to the fullest.  Treasure the moments you spend with your family and friends, and really just live life to the fullest!  I just wanna thank everyone who has always supported me and been there for me in my life, you all mean the world to me and I love you all so much.  And to my family, thanks for always being my number one fans and believing in me in whatever I set my mind to. xooxox  HAPPY EASTER!

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