Saturday, April 23, 2011


Happy Easter Everyone!
So I survived!  40 days without Facebook was a tough thing to do for me.  But I come away from this experience with a whole new outlook on life.  We as a society need to value relationships more on a physical level and intellectual level, rather than just on a social networking site.  It really is a shame how much people are missing out on by only communicating through a computer or even text messages.  Before I started this whole thing...I couldn't even remember the last time I talked to one of my friends on the phone...and now I find myself making more and more phone calls to people to simply just say hello or to catch up.  I have really taken for granted the people in my life and have realized that never know when your time may be up, so you need to tell people how you really feel and appreciate them to the fullest.  Treasure the moments you spend with your family and friends, and really just live life to the fullest!  I just wanna thank everyone who has always supported me and been there for me in my life, you all mean the world to me and I love you all so much.  And to my family, thanks for always being my number one fans and believing in me in whatever I set my mind to. xooxox  HAPPY EASTER!


Two little girls gave me these Justin Bieber trivia cards for Easter... it made me smile haha
Today was my last day of not going on Facebook and I spent it wisely!  I woke up early and did some Zumba, went tanning, then ran to the store for my mom.  Then I came home and helped clean and made some lunch.  After that mom and I went shopping all day...and squeezed in a nice relaxing pedicure!  Dinner was a team effort...we made angel hair with asparagus and tomatoes... it was so yummy!!  I dyed Easter Eggs with my parents...Dad's didn't come out so great but he gets an "A" for effort.  Then I took the time to paint mommy's nails since she never paints them herself...I think she really appreciated it, which is good. :-)  I like to see her happy..because then it makes me happy.  I finally got to watch Shawshank Redemption tonight after hearing how great of a movie it is from my dad for months now.  And it really was a great movie...highly recommend watching it if you haven't already!  And now It's time for me to get some sleep.  Good night! :-)

it's a good, good friday!

This is Sally, my 102 year old bff.  She is such an amazing woman and has the best stories ever!  She always puts a smile on my face when I see her.  I just feel so honored to be able to talk to her and hear her life stories firsthand.  It really is an amazing thing.
Friday's are always pretty laid back at work and sometimes can be boring.  I look forward to Friday's all week..the last day of the week and the start of the weekend.  After work I decided to go to Old Navy to do some shopping....epic fail!  So I came home and my parent's were busy planting away in front of the house.  I told them it was good they were actually doing something for Earth day...they weren't too amused by it.  But, since they decided to rip the shrubs out, they knew they had to put new ones in!  We went to Vincenzo's for dinner, which was amazing as always!  Then when we got home, Mom and I decided to watch T.V. in her room.  At 3 a.m. I woke up so confused as to where I was.  Then I realized I had fallen asleep in my moms I went to my room to go into my own bed but my dad was in there.  It was pretty funny actually.  But it was nice to have a sleepover with mommy :-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Baby Ty Thursday !

Baby Ty!!! Such a cutie!
I was excited all day and could hardly wait for Jenn and baby Ty to arrive!  I couldn't even concentrate at work.  It was so nice to get to spend time with one of my oldest and dearest friends and her son!  He is simply ADORABLE!! We talked for a long time, catching up and reminiscing about the old times.  I miss having her live across the street.  Life was so much easier back then...we could just walk a few feet and see each other.  But now, we have to drive an hour...which is better than the 8 hours away she used to be! But still, it'd be nice if she was still right across the street.  She misses living there as much as we miss her and her family living there.  But we do keep in touch and it was so nice of her to come visit! We had a nice dinner ...she got to eat the Jersey pizza that she's been missing!  Nothing compares to NJ pizza, just saying!  Baby Ty is the absolute cutest baby ever!  He's such a happy baby, doesn't care who's holding him, feeding him, he loves everyone...especially my dog Dallas.  But I think Dallas liked Ty more...he wanted to be near the baby the whole time! All in all it was a great day and it was so nice to get to spend a few hours with the both of them! Hope we get to see more of them in the near future!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Weigh-in Wednesday!

Chinese food dates with mom make me happy... here's the Fortune from Dinner after Weight Watchers!  ...Interesting....
Wednesday's are always really hard.  I'm always nervous to weigh-in...worried I've gained weight rather than lost it.  So all day I'm really careful about the things I eat.  The clothes you wear to weigh-in really do matter.  The outfit I usually wear was in the wash so I was trying to find something that would equal about the same amount of weight of the clothes I usually wear.  Well, I kept trying on outfits and running back and forth to the scale to see if I weighed what I was suppose to weigh.  SUCH A PAIN! My mom was laughing at me because I asked if they could just weigh me naked...then it would be accurate!  But all went well.. I reached my 5% goal and I lost 3 pounds for the week! So I'm Happy!!!  I'm down 13.4 pounds and my mom is down 13.6!  I even got her to go for a 30 minute walk with me the other day ... so we've been good! :-)

let the good times roll...

This quote is SO TRUE.  LOVE LOVE LOVE It.
Tuesday was a slow day.. I haven't had much to do at work this week so I've been bored most of the time.  Amusing myself with stumble upon was the only thing that got me through the day!  I was suppose to go out to dinner with my parent's and my dad's family that was up to visit from South Carolina...buttttt I had other plans.  I went out to dinner and for some drinks with an old friend.  It was a really good time ! We had a lot of laughs about the past and about how crazy our parents are (mind you our parents are best friends).  I can't believe I've lasted this long without Facebook.  I'll tell you it's hard because I don't remember everyone's birthday's without the little reminders on facebook and I feel so out of the loop not knowing what all my friends are up to.  But this has been a really good experience so far so I can't really complain!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

getting active

hahaha we have a little too much fun at work
Work went by really slow Monday.  I don't have much to do lately, so it's kind of boring...unless the resident's are busy telling me stories...then my time goes by a little quicker.  After work I went tanning...gotta get ready for Vegas!  Mom decided she wanted to start walking, so we went for a nice long walk for about a half hour.  When we were almost home I told her to jog to the driveway.  She wasn't having it!  She kept being like "people are watching me!"  She's gotta learn to not worry about what people think of her and just to do what she's gotta do.  But I do give her a lot of credit for getting off her butt and walking 30 minutes! I'm so proud of her, that's a big step!  Now let's see if we can both keep it up!  After our walk, I did Zumba for a little while and then I came upstairs to relax and shower.  I got to talk briefly with an old friend yesterday and she's coming to visit later this week with her son!  I can't wait to see them both and to finally meet Ty! :-)